A Very Special Thank You
The Wolverine Spouse Support Group would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to the 339th AF Recruiting
Squadron for their support and assistance in establishing our group. Without their cooperation, we would not be able
to provide as much information and support to our spouses. A very special thanks to Training & Support for keeping
us "in the loop", although they don't have to, and an extra special thanks to Our Commander, our First Sergeant, and our Marketing
department for all they contribute. I'm sure I can speak on behalf of all the spouses of the
339th when we say thank you all for considering us a part of the squadron. We are honored and proud to be associated
with such a wonderful organization!
Please Note: "This Web site is produced by The Wolverine Spouse Support Group, a
private group in no way connected with the US Air Force. Contents of The Wolverine Spouse Support Group Website are not necessarily
the official views of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense, the Department of the Air Force, or
the 339th Recruiting Squadron."
"The appearance of advertising or links on the Web site does not constitute endorsement by the Department of
Defense, the Department of the Air Force, the 339th Recruiting Squadron, or The Wolverine Spouse Support Group of the products
or services advertised."
"Editorial comment is edited, prepared, and provided by J. Veuleman"